Do you believe in Destiny?

People say that you cannot change your destiny..It is simply inevitable...U just cannot change it..

So, if you are preparing for a very simple exam for 10 years, but destiny has it that you will never clear it, so will you not??

Does this mean, that destiny actually comes into play after the events?

You are a very very healthy young man with no diseases at all, you do not smoke, do not drink at all, and follow a perfectly healthy routine, and then you suddenly have a total liver failure..Is this destiny?

People will say 'Poor young man, appeared to be healthy, but it was his fate..'

Isnt Destiny something designed to explain unforseen failures & successes?

What are your views?"

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gleizel said...

I dont believe in destiny

airam.teresa said...

well sometimes i do..but it's hard to believe without evidences...

bHing said...

basin destiny ju mo ni tan tai!!!


airam.teresa said...

well wla jud tah kbhw..
destiny nlng ang kbhw...
peru somehow i don't believe in destiny...

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